Music at Croft

The choir

The choir at Christ Church consists of fifteen enthusiastic singers, sometimes  supplemented by an equally keen university student.  Everyone enjoys  contributing so much to the worship.  Choir-only music features particularly  at the traditional festive seasons, and is selected from a repertoire built up  over many years.  At the special Harvest of the talents weekend in 2010 the  choir sang On Eagles’ Wings by Michael Jonca in the morning service, and  the Rizza Gloria from the Anglican Communion Service at Evensong.  This  latter item represented a change from the version normally used in  Communion services. Harold Darke's arrangement of In the bleak midwinter  is a firm favourite; this carol featured in the 2011 Carol Service. Choir  practices are held on Friday afternoons, and new members are always  sought.

The organ

The present organ has two manuals (C to a3) and pedals (C to f1) and 24  speaking stops.  The action is mostly tracker.  The organ is notable for the  quality of its pipework, at least some of which has the stamp of organ  builder Alexander Young on it.  When the instrument was rebuilt in 1968 by  George Sixsmith, of Mossley, Lancashire, much of the previous instrument  was retained, but Sixsmith used parts of an organ removed from Ardwick  Methodist Church in Bradford, Manchester.  Three mutation ranks and a  clarinet were installed at a much later date to expand the Great organ.   These four ranks were mounted on a dedicated high‑level soundboard.  Of  particular interest is the fact that the Violin rank was built by the German  organ builder Schultz, and came from the Parish Church of Hindley via the  Methodist Church in Glazebury.  The full specification of the present organ is  given in the panel on the right. 
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Open Diapason 8 Violin 8 Viol d’Orchestra 8 Rohr Flute 8 Cornopean 8 Oboe 8 Gemshorn 4 Piccolo 2 Mixture (2 ranks) Tremulant (effective throughout) Great: Open Diapason 8 Clarabella 8 Dulciana 8 Trumpet 8 Principal 4 Wald Flute 4 Fifteenth 2 _________________ Clarinet 8 Nazard 2⅔ Tierce 13/5 Larigot 1⅓ Pedal: Open Diapason 16 Bourdon 16 Principal 8 Bass Flute 8 Sw to Gt, Sw to Ped,         Gt to Ped, Sw to Gt Oct
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